Friday Five || LDS Conference Talks
Friday, February 16, 2018In recent years, I've been listening to more and more talks by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I listen in the car, at the gym, as I curl my hair in the morning. In recent weeks I've taken to laying on my floor on Sunday afternoons and listening to them. It's been a wonderful way for me to bring light and stillness into an otherwise chaotic world. I have some old standbys that I've listed below. Enjoy!
Cast Not Away Therefore Your Confidences, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
I first listened to this talk a few years ago and I think I could recite it by heart. The last 15 minutes are pure gold.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread, Elder D. Todd Christofferson
This devotional is the perfect antidote for those days when everything feels too much. Elder Christofferson talks about the importance of taking things one day at a time and finding strength in asking for help.
Lessons from Liberty Jail, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Are we at all surprised that Elder Holland makes two appearances on this list? Elder Holland testifies of the Lord's ability to consecrate even the most painful of circumstances for our learning and profit. It's a good one for when you're deep in the trenches of the worst of it.
Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Miracles, Lawrence P. Vincent
The gorgeous musical number at the end of this devotional alone is worth a lesson. But the best part of Brother Vincent's talk is the way he talks about how extraordinary things can happen in all of our lives and the ability the Lord has to make our dreams come true. Crack open your notebook and be ready from some inspirational quotes.
Why We Most Be Wholeheartedly Holy, Kerry M. Muhlestein
Brother Muhlestein was one of my professors when I studied abroad in Israel so naturally I was beyond excited when he spoke at BYU's weekly devotional. The thing I love about his address is the way he frames the way we think about holiness and how to make it part of our lives. He makes it simple and, more importantly, attainable.
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