My Exciting Life
Monday, January 10, 2011Jeffrey Whitlock has decided that I need to enter the blogging world, so here it goes.
John Mayer is a musical genius and the inspiration for my blog title. "I know the heart of life is good." Regardless of how terrible life seems to become, the core of this journey is essentially good. For me, this optimism is the driving force of my life. I have been greatly blessed in all aspects of my life.
My family is an amazing group of people that serves as a strong support system. My parents shower me with love and my siblings each contribute something special to my life. I love my niece and nephews to pieces! I couldn't ask for anything more. One of life's greatest blessings is close friends. I have the closest, most sincere friends a girl could ask for. I love that I can rely on them for anything.

Right now I am studying Clinical Lab Sciences at BYU. Since I was little I have wanted to work in the medical field and I plan to work as a Physician's Assistant. Medicine is so amazing! What a blessing it is that we are able to remove discomfort and trials from others through medical advances.
In the end, it is the simple things that make life beautiful. It is not possessions or money--it's people. The heart of life.