101 in 1001
Somethings are too long for a to-do list, but not quite long enough to be on a bucket list. They fall into the 101 in 1001: 101 things to do in 1001 days. Inspired by blogger Mackenzie Horan, I'm on round 2. Enjoy the commentary.. 😉
Start: December 19, 2017
Finish: September 15, 2020
Personal Development
- Learn a new language
- Sew a dress
- Take a pilates class
- Take a solo trip - read more here
- Take a calligraphy class
- Join the DAR
- Take a photo editing class
- Keep a gratitude journal for at least 6 months
- Start a side hustle
- Do a musical number in church
- Volunteer at a women's shelter
- Read at least 150 books (2/150) - view the full list here
- Vote in a non-presidential election
- Finish 12 weeks of Kayla Istine's BBG workout series
- Be able to fun 5 miles without stopping
- Be able to do one pull up unassisted
- Go outside everyday, no matter how cold
- Update music library
- Blog at least once per week
Limit Facebook to one day per week for a whole month- Meal plan for one month
- Write in my journal every Sunday
- Build a planter box
- Read a classic novel from Asia
- Learn to change a tire
- Pay off my car loan
- Pay off 3 student loans
- Triple my savings account balance
Create a new art piece- Update my bedding
- Buy a bike
- Plant a garden
Buy a bigger bookshelf- Make a quilt
Clean out my wardrobeClean out my makeup stash- Organize under-the-bed storage
Renew passport- Organize important documents
- Donate books that I have multiples of
- Read the Standard Works
- Read Jesus the Christ
- Memorize the Living Christ
- Memorize a Proclamation to the World
- Listen to all General Conference sessions since I've been born
- Attend 5 new temples
- Complete 25 family ordinances
- Listen to General Conference every time I drive to work
- Keep a scripture journal for at least one read-through of the Book of Mormon
- Read my patriarchal blessing once every month
Family & Friends
- Send a care package to each of my siblings
- Take a girls trip with my mom and sister
- Send Christmas cards
- Treat my parents to dinner
- Go on a hike with the family
- Call each sibling on their birthday
Visit Utah at least onceTake my nephews/nieces to dinner- Organize family photos
- Call grandparents at least once a month
Go on a fishing trip with DadTake dinner to a friend- Record grandparents' histories
- Send a gift to a sibling just because
- Write a letter to my parents
- Visit 5 new countries
- Visit Africa
- Go to Lake Louise & Banff
Visit the Musee de l'Orangerie- Hike in Acadia National Park
- Visit Prince Edward Island
- See the Northern Lights
- Do a hiking tour of Ireland
- Take a family history trip to Sweden & England
- Visit Iceland in the winter
- Go to the Olympics
- Do a food tour of New York City
- Visit Martha's Vineyard/Nantucket
- Visit Sharon, Vermont
Do a donut tour of Boston
Just for Fun
- Take a pastry class at bakery
- Go to a tennis Grand Slam match
- Read all of Jane Austen's works
- Attend 5 concerts
Make Julia Child's Floating Island dessert(post here)- Read 5 biographies (1/5)
- Send a thank you note to a doctor/cashier/company, etc.
- Repurpose a piece of furniture to sell
- Host a dinner party
- Call into Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!
- Go to a movie solo
- Visit 5 new museums (4/5)
- Go sledding
- Karaoke
- Go to the opera
- Host a holiday party
- Attend a polo match in Newport
- Memorize a new-to-me classical piano piece
- Write a letter to the editor of a publication I like
- Watch all of the (non-R-rated) best picture nominees
- Turn off my phone for an entire weekend
My first list can be found here.
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