101 in 1001

Somethings are too long for a to-do list, but not quite long enough to be on a bucket list. They fall into the 101 in 1001: 101 things to do in 1001 days. Inspired by blogger Mackenzie Horan, I'm on round 2. Enjoy the commentary.. 😉

Start: December 19, 2017
Finish: September 15, 2020

Personal Development

  1. Learn a new language
  2. Sew a dress
  3. Take a pilates class
  4. Take a solo trip - read more here
  5. Take a calligraphy class
  6. Join the DAR 
  7. Take a photo editing class
  8. Keep a gratitude journal for at least 6 months
  9. Start a side hustle 
  10. Do a musical number in church
  11. Volunteer at a women's shelter
  12. Read at least 150 books (2/150) - view the full list here
  13. Vote in a non-presidential election
  14. Finish 12 weeks of Kayla Istine's BBG workout series 
  15. Be able to fun 5 miles without stopping
  16. Be able to do one pull up unassisted
  17. Go outside everyday, no matter how cold
  18. Update music library 
  19. Blog at least once per week 
  20. Limit Facebook to one day per week for a whole month
  21. Meal plan for one month 
  22. Write in my journal every Sunday 
  23. Build a planter box
  24. Read a classic novel from Asia
  25. Learn to change a tire


  1. Pay off my car loan
  2. Pay off 3 student loans
  3. Triple my savings account balance
  4. Create a new art piece
  5. Update my bedding
  6. Buy a bike
  7. Plant a garden 
  8. Buy a bigger bookshelf 
  9. Make a quilt
  10. Clean out my wardrobe 
  11. Clean out my makeup stash 
  12. Organize under-the-bed storage
  13. Renew passport
  14. Organize important documents
  15. Donate books that I have multiples of


  1. Read the Standard Works
  2. Read Jesus the Christ
  3. Memorize the Living Christ
  4. Memorize a Proclamation to the World
  5. Listen to all General Conference sessions since I've been born
  6. Attend 5 new temples 
  7. Complete 25 family ordinances
  8. Listen to General Conference every time I drive to work
  9. Keep a scripture journal for at least one read-through of the Book of Mormon
  10. Read my patriarchal blessing once every month

Family & Friends

  1. Send a care package to each of my siblings
  2. Take a girls trip with my mom and sister
  3. Send Christmas cards
  4. Treat my parents to dinner
  5. Go on a hike with the family
  6. Call each sibling on their birthday
  7. Visit Utah at least once
  8. Take my nephews/nieces to dinner
  9. Organize family photos
  10. Call grandparents at least once a month
  11. Go on a fishing trip with Dad
  12. Take dinner to a friend
  13. Record grandparents' histories
  14. Send a gift to a sibling just because
  15. Write a letter to my parents


  1. Visit 5 new countries
  2. Visit Africa
  3. Go to Lake Louise & Banff 
  4. Visit the Musee de l'Orangerie
  5. Hike in Acadia National Park
  6. Visit Prince Edward Island 
  7. See the Northern Lights
  8. Do a hiking tour of Ireland
  9. Take a family history trip to Sweden & England
  10. Visit Iceland in the winter
  11. Go to the Olympics 
  12. Do a food tour of New York City 
  13. Visit Martha's Vineyard/Nantucket
  14. Visit Sharon, Vermont
  15. Do a donut tour of Boston

Just for Fun

  1. Take a pastry class at bakery
  2. Go to a tennis Grand Slam match 
  3. Read all of Jane Austen's works 
  4. Attend 5 concerts
  5. Make Julia Child's Floating Island dessert (post here)
  6. Read 5 biographies (1/5)
  7. Send a thank you note to a doctor/cashier/company, etc. 
  8. Repurpose a piece of furniture to sell 
  9. Host a dinner party
  10. Call into Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!
  11. Go to a movie solo
  12. Visit 5 new museums (4/5)
  13. Go sledding
  14. Karaoke
  15. Go to the opera 
  16. Host a holiday party 
  17. Attend a polo match in Newport 
  18. Memorize a new-to-me classical piano piece 
  19. Write a letter to the editor of a publication I like 
  20. Watch all of the (non-R-rated) best picture nominees 
  21. Turn off my phone for an entire weekend

My first list can be found here.

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