the one about the end
Monday, April 22, 2013- Popcorn makes an acceptable dinner during finals.
- Studying for hours on end will not help on your Organizational Behavior final.
- That really is your number with the lower-than-normal score next to it.
- Keep a stoic disposition when looking at your scores.
- New sweatpants make everything better.
- There’s no diet during finals week (see number 1).
- Sleep is a gift that should be taken advantage of whenever possible.
- Studying is much more effective if you’re watching a movie with friends at the same time.
- If you’re forced to be inside all day it’s bound to be beautiful weather.
- No matter how much you’re looking forward to the end of finals, you feel a little lost when the end finally comes.
However, I am finished with finals and am ready to bask in the glory of summer :) This is pretty much how I'm feeling:

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