oslo bound
Thursday, March 13, 2014It's official! I am going to Oslo! This whole trip to Oxford didn't seem real until I had actually bought a plane ticket. It just finally hit me yesterday: I am going to Europe! The first stop is going to be Norway.
Just as with Amsterdam, I have been researching like crazy! I think that is all I did yesterday after I finished up all my "to-do" list things. There is so much in this city!! I love art and Oslo is just filled with little galleries and museums. There is a whole park of sculptures that you're allowed to climb all over. I've just started compiling a short list, but here's what I've got so far:
- National Gallery
- Vigelandsparken
- Det Kongelige Slott (the Royal Palace)
- Oslo Cathedral (I'm a sucker for churches)
- Sognsvann Lake
- The Viking Ship Museum
- Oscarhall Summer Palace
- Botanical Garden
- Frank Znort Quartet
- Oslo Theatre Museum
Any other suggestions?

Oslo Link Love:
Amazing National Geographic article here.
Great blog posts here and here.
Catchall post here.
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