the one about an old movie
Wednesday, March 5, 2014This past weekend I stayed with my aunt and uncle for a much needed break. My aunt and I share a love for old movies. If it's in black and white, we're in. This weekend we watched a Gene Kelly classic: An American in Paris.
It's the classic story of star-crossed lovers. An American ex-pat artist is living in Paris when he meets a wealthy American who takes a liking to more than just his art. Unbeknownst to her, however, he has fallen in love with a local Parisian who is engaged to his friend. The story follows their romance as they try to resolve the confusion that ensues.
Why don't we make movies like this anymore? The music was absolutely amazing. The entire soundtrack is so beautiful. Anytime Gene opened his mouth heaven flowed out. He's so good! The dancing was also fantastic. Leslie Caron is such a gorgeous dancer. Leslie and Gene danced several times together and it was mesmerizing. So wonderful. Definitely put this one on your list. But maybe skip the dream sequences--they were kind of weird...

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