Article Love
Thursday, April 3, 2014
I try to read the news at least once a day. I'm partial to the BBC but I'm not picky. It probably has more to do with my love for the UK than anything else to be honest. I also read tons and tons of blogs. If there was a degree for blog stalking I would have a PhD. It's kind of a problem. I've found so great articles in the past fews and just wanted to share some. The content is pretty diverse, but this is a situation where it's ok to pick-and-choose. Enjoy!
Interesting article by OneRepublic singer/songwriter about writing songs
This entire blog is so inspiring, plus she posted her and her husband's love letters
Jeopardy's turning 30 and they broke down the most popular categories so we should all start stuyding
Great interview with zoologist Jane Goodall
Article on the Eiffel Tower
This blog with lots of how-to's, travel tips, and other random goodness
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