Things I Love
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Have you ever had a week where so much has happened that it's hard to get a grasp on things? It's not that anything bad happened this week, quite the contrary, but it was just so much. Classes started and the preverbal 'they' was not lying about the amount of reading in grad school. It never ends. On weeks like these I feel like I get too caught up in the day-to-day that I sometimes forget the bigger picture and forget to be grateful and find join in things that I love. I forget to enjoy the little moments and instead stress about the never-ending mountain of homework.
When I have too many of these weeks in a row, I find it helpful to take a step back and spend sometime thinking about the things that make me happy and things I enjoy. This exercise helps put things into perspective and re-center my life. So here's the 'little' moments/things I've been loving in the last few weeks:
Fresh Fruit
There's a farmers' market close to my new house and I love it. They have so much variety and everything is so fresh. Last week I bought some heavenly bread, but I sampled all the fresh fruit. I died. It was so perfect.

Victor Hugo
I have started reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame and recently finished Les Miserables. I simply adore Hugo. He is amazingly talented. The relationship he builds between Marius and Cosette is so innocent and so perfect in every way. Plus he's sort of adorable.

I know everyone thinks their family is the best, but mine really is. I'm visiting my brothers in Boston this weekend and I could not be more excited. Boston + Family = The Perfect Weekend.

New Restaurants
One of my favorite things about getting to a new city is finding new restaurants. As a self-proclaimed foodie, this might be my favorite thing. I've been to a few restaurants in my first two weeks. Nothing fancy, mostly taverns/pubs that serve typical pub food, but I've liked them all. Kooper's Tavern has probably been my favorite so far.
New Sheets
When my mother helped me move up to Baltimore she also bought me some new sheets. My bed didn't arrive for almost a week so I didn't really unpack my room for a while. When I finally went to make my bed my sheets were MIA. I still have no idea where they got to, but I spent another week without sheets on my bed. Yesterday I bought new sheets and it was the highlight of my week, which I think is very grown-up of me. (Also, Target has the best sheets, hands down...well in my price range at least, but this is my reality.)
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