Am I the only one who loves getting a new planner? At the end of each year I scour the internet looking for a new planner and dream of filling up the pages with my life. This year, sadly, I couldn't find one that I loved, so I found an alternative: the bullet journal.

The bullet journaling system is a planner, to-do list, and journal all in one. I've been using it for three months now and I'm converted. It's totally customizable so your planner works for you, which is so excellent.

Step One: Pick a notebook

Pick up a blank journal that you like. (I actually use a sketchbook.) Bullet journaling works best with no lines in your notebook, but if lined pages are your thing to go for it!

Step Two: Title Page & Index

On your 'title page,' write in all your info in case (heaven forbid!) your planner gets lost. (This is legitimately one of my greatest fears.) The next page is your index. As you write and record various things, you can index specific topics in the front of your planner so you can easily find it later. Genius, right?

Step Three: Month View

After you've set up our index, it's time to set up your first month. The first page of a month is so simple. Put the name of the month at the top of the page and number the dates along the left-hand side. And done! You can put the first initial of the day of the week next to each date as well.

Step Four: Week View

Now that your month-view is ready, you can do your week. I set mine up one week at a time, but you could do an entire month at a time too. I use two pages, with Monday-Wednesday on the right side and Thursday-Sunday on the left. Divide your pages up however you want, put the date in the corner of each division and done!

Step Five: Use Categories

The bullet journal uses a super easy system to categorize your day:

  • Events: Events are represented by an open circle
  • To-do: To-dos are represented by a small dot
  • Notes: Little notes and thoughts you have throughout the day are represented by a dash

I use each of these to great effect. It's so easy to look at my little sketchbook and know immediately how long my to-do list is, how many events I have that day, and I love reading my little notes days later. It's a quick snapshot of my day.

I also have traditional journal entries that are longer and sprinkled throughout. I simply turn the page away from my week view and start writing. I love that this system allows me to make my planner exactly how I want it. It's perfect.

Great Notebooks to Get Started:

You can also never, and I mean never, go wrong with a trusty Moleskine notebook!


  1. The second one is so beautiful. Even though I use my computer for note taking all the time, I like the feeling of making lists and notes in an actual notebook. thanks for sharing.

    1. Isn't it dreamy? I'm so tempted to just order it! I am the same about note taking, but the bullet journal has changed that. It's so nice to have everything in one place.


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