Excessive repacking, two continents, 7,028 miles, and 36 hours later, I am in Jerusalem!! It was the longest day of my life, but I am super excited for the adventure ahead.  I live in the best apartment that boats an amazing view of the Old City.  From my balcony I am able to see the Dome of the Rock and the beautiful wall.  I don't think there is a better view in all of Jerusalem.
The first day in Israel has been a bit of a blur. My 80 classmates and I woke up to a delicious breakfast of local foods and then headed to orientation.  It was the most overwhelming hour and a half of my life! There was so much to take in from security to classes to sites we can't miss during our stay.  After orientation we took a walking tour of Jerusalem.  The only word to describe this city is incredible! We walked through the Kidron Valley to the gates of the Old City.  The streets remain the uneven cobblestone that was present during Christ's time. Walking through the city I felt like I was in Aladdin. The streets are narrow, curving and crawling to the city center.  Overhead, the sun is blocked out by awnings and pathways and the air is bursting with the scents of herbs sold by women on the streets.  While in the Old City, had the opportunity to visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.  It was unlike anything I have ever experienced.  There is a reverance there that is simply astounding.
After we finished in the Old City, we walked to West Jerusalem, the more modern part of the city.  We went to a popular shopping area and just wandered for about an hour.  The food is super delicious!!! I think I could live on falafals and humus.  We also ate gelato, which is the most delectable treat in the world :) I can't wait to see more!!!

P.S. The jury is still out on whether we'll be able to upload pictures here at the Center.  If not, I promise to find an internet cafe :)

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  1. Sounds spectacular!! Have a great time, I hope to see pictures soon.

  2. Glad to hear that you made it safely. I had no idea that there would be 80 students! For some reason I was just thinking it would be a handful of people. Your first day sounds incredible. Take lots of pictures and be sure to journal everything! Good luck! -Sister Fincher

  3. Sister Fincher! Israel is amazing! I can't believe I'm here...it's the best place ever :) I have to pinch myself sometimes. The whole city is one big adventure and I love it! I hope everything is going well in Nebraska :)


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