Well, I'm only 18 days late in posting my New Year's Resolution list :) And since this is 2012, it is probably the last time I'll ever have to do it so I need to make some quality resolutions.  I have been feeling the pressure.  Ok, not really since I don't believe that the world is ending, but I digress. Here is what I want to accomplish/experience/become/etc. in 2012!

  1. Still need to learn to play guitar....maybe I should focus on buying a guitar to begin with....
  2. Travel somewhere amazing! I spent the summer in Israel so this one is going to be hard to compete with.
  3. Read read read :) I want to devote time on Sundays to simply reading a delightful book for no other reason than I just love it.
  4. Talk to my parents more.  I used to call them all the time but I have recently been failing quite fantastically at this. 
  5. Run a marathon.  I already have one picked out and am well on my way in training, although 6:30 comes awfully early...
  6. Cook more and become a baking goddess.  I feel like this one is self explanatory. 
  7. Buy a sewing machine and then learn to use it.  While initially this may seem impractical, I think in the end it will pay for itself. 
  8. Become an avid journaler. I was doing super well on this goal when I got home from Israel, but it has since fallen off so I'm rededicating myself. 
  9. Soak up as much of the Gospel and all it has to offer as I can.  I think this is by far the most underused blessing that I have in my life. And also trust in the Lord's timing...He's got it all worked out. 
  10. Take the GRE and find clinical hours for PA school.  I'm graduating in about a year and a half and I need to get going on things! PA school is right around the corner, which is scary and exciting and I need to get ready for it.  (I narrowed down my list!) 
  11. Don't be bitter about snow.  You live in Utah for heaven's sake, Angela.  It comes with the territory :)   
  12. Be happy and live my life :)

Here's to an amazing year! 

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