So I have a lot of obsessions; ok, not really. Buuuut I am obsessed with traveling. When I was little Mama and Papa Lo would take us on vacation every summer and culture us little minions. We saw the exotics lands of Canada, Washington, D.C., NYC, and the Bahamas. We traipsed all over Texas and drove Wyoming more times than I can count. 

This is where the travel bug started and it hasn't fizzled out one bit. After my freshman year I knew that I wanted to do a study abroad, so I thought, "I'll go to Israel; that sounds like it would be a hoot and a half." So I did. I spent four glorious months traveling all over the Middle East and eating pita. 

Surely this trip would have cured me and satisfied my craving for foreign lands....wrong. If anything it fueled my obsession. I have this overwhelming desire to travel anywhere and everywhere. I even applied to an internship in Beijing today! Who does that?! I don't know anything about China or Asian cultures. I play Mahjong once with parents when they got back from China, but I'm pretty sure that does not qualify me to live there for a summer.  It would be an adventure though so we'll see how that one plays out :)

Regardless, I hope that I spend my life traveling. One day I want to make a sweet montage like this guy:

How cool is he?! I would even settle on being his camera man. I could live out of a suitcase and eat street vendor food; I could get behind that. So if you don't hear from me I'm probably traveling the world and working on an awesome YouTube video. Just kidding, I'll be in class for the time being, but one day I'll post a video like this...wait for it :) 

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