the one about the school year
Friday, April 26, 2013
Another year, another two semesters done at BYU. What's scary is that I have only two left! I don't know when I grew-up but I am dangerously close to ALL grown-up...
At the end of each school year I like to look back and see what I got done that year. I think it is safe to say that this has been one of the best school years ever! I cannot believe all of things that I accomplished and experienced since last April:
-Was accepted into the Marriott School of Management
-Got a 4.0 one semester
-Traveled to NYC all by myself
-Purchased a new computer
-Made it to the championship game with my intramural soccer team
-Attended my brother's graduation from his masters' program
-Was accepted into the Strategy Program
-Served as a student body officer
-Attended a TEDxEvent
-Got an internship with Goldman Sachs
-Was elected Vice President of Marketing in the Strategy Association
-Kept my goal of attending the gym
-Met Clayton Christensen
-Developed my cooking skills
-Performed a piano duet in church
-Did something scary
-Attended devotional every week
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