Provo is one of the coolest cities ever! This morning a good friend of mine and I went to farmers' market this morning. I've only been to one other farmer's market so I was expecting tons and tons of fresh veggies and not much else. Provo, however, out did itself.

This place was out of control! There was homemade soap, fresh salsa, the most delicious limeade ever, pies, lotions, and more crafts than I could count. I looooved it! Adrienne and I sampled everything in sight :) We strolled along while we sipped on our limeades (hand-squeezed in front of our eyes!) and looked at all the beautiful things for sale. Who knew there were so many talented people in Provo?! I'm pretty sure I could have spent all day in the sunshine watching people come and go from the market. It was a perfect morning :)

Sweet summertime :)

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