I have several long flights and bus rides  during my summer tour of Europe. I love roads; I can spend hours looking out the window as the country rolls by. As my trip inches ever closer though I have started compiling a book list. My mother instilled me with this terrible habit of buying books for every trip. We'll head to a used bookstore, buy an armful, and then leave them in random airports after we've finished them. Smart? I have no idea. Practical? Absolutely.

I'll have limited room so the selection process this time is going to be pretty stringent but here are some expert (aka what I found when I searched "books to take to Europe") suggestions:

Any other suggestions? What have you read on long flights?

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  1. Hey! I am going to Europe too! Maybe we will bump into each other :-) I hope you have a fabulous time sailing, can't wait to here of your adventures!

  2. Really?! When and where are you going? I would love to bump into you!


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