Labor Day!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
You know that great thing about grad school is? I only have class three day a week! With Labor Day on Monday this gave me a five day weekend, so I jetted off to Boston to spend the week with my brother and his family. This was a perfect weekend!
Friday was Vanessa's birthday so the day was filled with everything she loves. We started at the beach, which was perfect. We scoured the tide pools for little critters. We found hundreds of snails, one hermit crab, and one 'real' crab. We put the creatures in our bucket until the end of the day and then set them free.

The boys and I scuttled off the waves and spent the next hour trying to jump over the waves or racing them to the shore. (PS The Atlantic is freezing!). After the beach we grabbed some chowder and headed home to Vanessa's surprise party!

I spend Saturday with my other brother in Cambridge. We wanted to see If I Stay, which is a phenomenal movie! I cried throughout the whole thing, which shouldn't surprise anyone :) After the movie we did some shopping, grabbed some dinner, and went over to Nate's improv show. Dave and I saw two shows and both were fantastic! My sides were aching from laughing so much! So, if you're in Boston anytime soon I highly recommend going.

My last day in Boston was equally jammed packed. Vanessa, the boys, and I went to the farm to get some peaches and a pie. We fed the animals, searched for toads, and took a tour of the farm. I think in another life I would like to own a farm. From the farm we went to a Curious Creatures show. We touched snakes, scorpions, alligators, and chinchillas. (Note, I did not touch the scorpion, that's gross.)

The last item on the agenda was Shakespeare in the park. This time it was just Vanessa and I and it was so fun to spend some time just the two of us. We saw As You Like It. This play is hilarious! I admit that I couldn't remember if it was a comedy or not, so I might have spent the whole play waiting for Orlando to die...

My weekend is Boston was amazing! I have the best family ever :) On Labor Day I hopped in the car, listened to the same 30 songs all the way home, and collapsed when I finally made it. Why is driving so draining? Also, I found this song on my drive and am obsessed:
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