With all the crazy weather in Baltimore, church has been cancelled for the second week in a row. When I was younger, I secretly enjoyed the occasional cancelled meeting. But now I feel like my whole week is off just a little bit when church doesn't happen. I love the recharge I get when I attend church; it helps to ground my week and refocus on those things which matter most.

Since I am holed up in my apartment, I decided to listen to one of my favorite Conference talks. President Uchtdorf gave his talk "Forget Me Not" while I was at BYU. I remember that it was a time in my life when I just felt like nothing was going right and that no matter how hard I tried I was never quite good enough. President Uchtdorf's message was powerful and I felt like it was written just for me. I was reminded of the infinite love that my Heavenly Father has for me. I don't have to be perfect right now; I just need to keep progressing. My absolute favorite part of this talk is when President Uchtdorf reminds us that "you are closer to heaven than you think you are." Revisiting this talk was absolutely wonderful. I know that his words are just as true and wonderful now as they were when I heard them all those years ago. 

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