Flecks of Gold
Marilyn Monroe said, "Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." Too often I forget that there is so much to smile about. In April's General conference, Elder Ballard talked about how many gold rushers were too caught up looking for the large nuggets othat they failed to see the flecks of gold in their pans. This past week I realized that I have allowed myself to overlook the flecks and focus on finding only the nuggets in my life. So, in an effort to change, my persepctive, I've decided to make a short list of some of the flecks in my life.
1. Temples
2. Wonderful roommates
3. Family, near and far :)
4. Laughter
5. Good books
6. Scarfs
7. BYU
8. Hot chocolate
9. Crunchy leaves on the way to school
10. Long runs
11. A job that I enjoy
12. Phone calls to Mama
13. Prayer
14. Journals
15. The scriptures
16. Lazy Sundays
17. Silly nephews
18. Parents who know basically everything
19. Swings
20. Fall
21. An aunt who keeps my cupboards stalked :)
22. The piano
23. No Friday classes next semester!
24. A washer and dryer in my apartment, thus eliminating my need for quarters
25. General Conference
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