I LOVE FALL!! It is the best season ever :) I love the leaves, the crisp morning air, wearing sweaters, and the abundance of pumpkin dishes that make their way into my diet.  I love seeing the fiery red, warm orange, and mustard yellow dotting the mountainside.  It feels like the mountain has caught on fire and it is slowing creeping down to the valley.  Fall makes me want to buy a house in New England with a big wrap around porch so I can bask in the glories of autumn while I drink warm apple cider.  


Fall also seems to bring an increase in rain.  I often fall asleep to the sound of rain on the roof.  The cloudy days make me want to curl up on the couch with a quilt and watch Pride and Prejudice over and over again. 

Fall is the beginning of sweaters, scarfs, corduroys, and pea coats.  The rich colors of the leaves are seen in the olive green, mustard yellow, and deep burgundy sweaters splashed across campus. I love seeing everyone bundled up against the autumn wind as we all scurry to class. For some reason it just makes me happy.  

I don't know what it is, but there's just something magical about fall!


  1. Want to move to that farm? Okay, I'm in. :D

  2. No way. Everything you just said is my favorite thing to do too. EVERYDAY.
    Hurrah for Fall!!


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