I was perusing my Bloglovin' feed today and stumbled across another blogger's summer reading challenge. I am all about reading so, naturally, I immediately decided to do it. I am still going strong with my New Year's Resolution to read two books each month. March and April were rouch so I have  bit of catching up and June is going to be an all-time low as I travel Europe, but so help me, I will read at least 24 books this year! 

As I looked through the list of 'requirements' for the this reading challenge, I was happy to discover that some of my reading for Oxford will count. I was sitting in my parent's game room when I unknowingly opened an email that would significantly increase my stress for the next ten days before I jet of to Norway. Apparently I have 1,000 pages of British history to read before attending Oxford. Thank heavens my mother has a library card! 

Now, here are the rules of the challenge if you want to play along too! (The original blog post can be found in one of the links above.)

  • The challenge goes from May 1 (sorry!) to August 31. Any book started before or finished after these dates does not count. 
  • Each book must be at least 200 pages long. 
  • No doubling dipping! You can't use the same book for more than one category. 
  • Rereads can only be used for three categories.

Now for the categories and the books I have chosen! (I kind of feel like Alex Trebek a little bit)

  • Any book that is 200 pages long--Oxford Jackson: Architecture, Education, Status, and Style, 1835-1924 by W White (This is an Oxford reading list book)
  • Read a book that was written before you were born--And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie 
  • Finish reading a book you didn't finish the first time around--Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
  • Read a book from the children's section of the library or bookstore--Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling (This is a re-read for me, but what is summer without HP?)
  • Read a book from the New York Times' Best Seller List--This one was tough but I've narrowed it down to three: David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell, The Serpent of Venice by Christopher Moore, and The Collector by Nora Roberts
  • Read a historical fiction book that does not take place in Europe--The Pink Suit by Nicole Mary Kelby
  • Read a book another blogger had already read for the challenge (the original blogger will be posting an update on June 1 so I'll have to wait until then to post which book I'm going to read.)
  • Read a book with "son(s)", "daughter(s)", or "child(ren)" in the title--Rasputin's Daughter by Robert Alexander
  • Read a book that was/will be adapted to film in 2014--The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
  • Read a book written by a blogger--The Sweet Life in Paris by David Lebovitz or Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh 
  • Read a biography, autobiography, or memoir--Bossy Pants by Tina Fey
  • Read a pair of books with antonyms in the titles--Born to Run by Christopher McDougall and A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins

There it is! My revised summer list for 2014. What are you reading this summer?

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