A Weekend in Charlotte
Monday, July 28, 2014
Don't you love it when your bestie comes to town?
My best friend Lauren came into town this weekend so we could play before we both 'grow up' and go to graduate school. We're kindred spirits. It's the best.

We explored different parts of Charlotte, including the Fourth Ward. The Fourth Ward is this fantastic neighborhood with restored houses from the turn of the century. Think Downton Abbey, but in the US.

On Saturday morning we took a trip to the Farmer's Market where I got these amazing blackberries. I dipped them in frosting, which probably counteracts their nutrition, but whatever :)

That evening we played a round of disc golf with Mom. I used to play this game in high school every day, not an exaggeration. EVERY. DAY.
It's so fun but not so difficult that you have to be crazy good to have fun. In other words, my kind of game.

We spent an abnormal amount of time looking for our discs considering how flat the course was.

This weekend was perfect: We ate too much food, laughed too much, and stayed up way too late. The trifecta for a perfect weekend.
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