The Best Dry Shampoo
Monday, July 14, 2014
When I first heard about dry shampoo, I'll admit that I was a little skeptical and maybe slightly grossed out. Put more product in my hair instead of washing it? That sounded a little backwards to me and, let's be honest, a little too good to be true. I think we're all fans of second (or third) day hair. I tried a few brands of dry shampoo but never found one that I loved. They left my hair feeling more gunky or smelled weird or left grey residue no matter how far from my head that I held the can. I eventually settled on Tressemè.
While I was in Europe, however, I found myself in a pinch. I hadn't brought my dry shampoo (major oversight!) and I was tired of having to wash my hair every day. While I was in Oxford I ducked into Boots, the UK's version of Walgreen's except way classier. I LOVE this store. My normal brand of choice was a zillion pounds so I browsed the aisles for a cheaper alternative. The dry shampoo gods must have been smiling down on me that day because I found the best dry shampoo for just £2 or about $4. Luckily, Batiste is sold in the US too! You can find it at Ulta or Asos. Batiste smells great, leaves my hair light and soft, and doesn't leave anything behind. I use it before I go to bed and when I get up and I can go three days in between washes. Blush is my favorite 'flavor'; it has a light, sweet scent without being too overpowering.
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