This past weekend I drove home to surprise my parents for Easter! This is something that I've wanted to do since I moved from home and it finally happened!

Step 1: Pick the right day
If your parents are like my parents, they're always going somewhere. But when your sister-in-law is visiting with the grandkids, you know you've found your golden window. So pack up your car and go!

Step 2: Get an accomplice
You've got to have someone on your side in case, you know, you get a flat tire or something. My baby sister was in on the surprise and she did a beautiful job.

Step 3: Do not break routine
I call my parents all the time, like it's sort of out of control, but in a really, really good way. So Thursday I called mum and told her all the things I was going to do that weekend, but it was all a total lie. I almost spilled the secret but I caught myself!

Step 4: Get a lot of sleep
If you're surprising your parents, you probably live quite a ways away and you don't want to be a wilted flower all weekend! So sleep, sleep, sleep! Then you can be sure to kick butt at cards.

Step 5: Arrive at lunchtime
I planned my arrival right at lunchtime which meant I got to have lunch with Dad. So, careful planning is key, my fellow surprisers.

Bonus: Coordinate with excellent movies in the theaters
If there's a great movie in theaters, you can probably convince your parents to take you. I mean, you're never too old to go to the movies. Mum was sick so the Accomplice and I went to see Cinderella. It's FANTASTIC. Seriously, go see it. Lily James is my favorite; I want to be her.

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