It's raining. It's that wonderful time of year where it rains most days of the week. I absolutely love it. Rainy days make me want to stay home, curled up in my bed watching movies. I have a category called "Rainy Day Movies." I watch them other times, but I like them best on grey, wet days.

This scene kills me every time! Just kiss her!
  1. The Young Victoria (hands down Emily Blunt's best movie!)
  2. Pride & Prejudice (either version is acceptable...the six hour version typically falls in the "Sick Day" genre though)
  3. You've Got Mail (be still my beating heart, Tom Hanks!)
  4. Becoming Jane
  5. Emma
  6. Sense & Sensibility
  7. Sleepless in Seattle
  8. Sabrina (again, both versions are FABULOUS)
  9. Downton Abbey (I know, not a movie, but come on, it's Maggie Smith)
  10. Les Miserables 
I could watch this movie EVERYDAY

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