Today was, again, perfection. For some reason we thought we had only one full day in Oslo so we didn't have anything planned. We asked our hosts for some suggestions and then sent us to this beautiful park (think national park, not neighborhood park) to do some hiking. I felt like I was in the middle of one of the Lord of the Rings movies. The forest was so green. At one point both Katy and I ran into some cobwebs and did the crazy dance that ensues as you try to get the web off. Luckily we were the only people around and were spared the embarrassment. 

As we came around the lake this perfect dock came into view. Everyone sunbathes everywhere in Norway, so we followed suit and stretched out on the dock for the better part of an hour. I got this wicked tan lines at a baseball game with dad and have been trying to rid myself of them ever since so this afternoon was spent in these efforts. As we laid on the dock I was in awe of what a beautiful place I am in. Norway is so incredibly lush! The rich greens are splashed all over the country. The water at the lake was the perfect shade of blue and sparkled in the sunlight. This place is honestly one of the most beautiful places I have ever laid eyes. 

From the park we took the metro back into the city. Katy and I were unable to see the Oslo Opera House yesterday but still wanted to check it out. This building is magnificent! The opera house sits right on the harbor and was built to look like an iceberg. It is covered in white marble which makes it glow in the sunlight. The side ramps up to allow roof access. This provides an amazing view of the harbor and surrounding city. As we were leaving we decided to see if we could score some last minute tickets to a show tonight. Unfortunately they were sold out, but the man at the ticket booth told us that this show was providing a short show in the lobby between the acts and it would be free. 

I'll admit that I was skeptical at first, but this show is one of the coolest things I have done. The songs were in English so I was able to understand them which was a happy surprise. The singer was divine! She did not just sing well, but she was a performer. I spent her whole performance cracking up! She played the typical prima donna and absolutely nailed it. There were also dancers that wove in and out of the crowd which was an interesting element. The show was short but was well worth the walk. This has given us the desire to see more shows, so we're going to look for something in Prague to go see! 

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